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All you need to know about Lip Neutralisation


What is Lip Neutralisation?

Lip neutralization is needed for lip blushing on dark lips. The first step is to neutralize the cool tones and lift the darkness in the lips with the help of warm pigment. Once the lips are neutralized and healed lip blush is performed to your target colour.

How do I know if I need Lip Neutralisation?

Olivia will be able to advise on this during your consultation. To give you an idea you should take a look at the Fitzpatrick levels below. Anyone above a Fitzpatrick level three would need neutralising but sometimes a three itself can have cooler tones so may need it.

How Many appointments will i need to achieve desired results?

Normally two to three sessions should lighter the lip area enough to perform lip blush. However, this does depend from individual.

How long will Lip Neutralisation last?

On average, Lip Neutralisation lasts around 2 years, with the correct aftercare and top up treatments.

Lip Neutralisation is a revolutionary treatment for those wanting to lighten their lips, the results are stunning and bring my clients confidence and the freedom to not wear makeup. To get in touch regarding lip neutralisation, Please book a consultation or email me at

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